Raspberry 5 test-to-speech using Piper

I wanted to make my Raspberry tell me about power outages and air alerts near my location.

The setup is pretty simple and described ar the repo:

Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool Notifications and emails

Notifications and email



 Go to file:

sudo vi /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
Add at the EOF:
# Email script for NOTIFYCMD
# Simple
NOTIFYCMD "/etc/nut/notifycmd.sh" …

Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool

I'll describe a full path on how to install and use NUT.
My implementation is using Raspberry Pi 5 and a TP-Link router attached to 800W UPS.
RPi will be …

WSGI mod, Python, Django, Celery and a nice fella virtualenv

Here I'll show how to use Python (3.8.0 in the current example, but legit for latest 3.+ versions, not for os.name == 'NT') and virtualenv to setup WGSI enabled …

VMware KB: Reducing the size of the vCenter Server database when the rollup scripts take a long time to run

Looks risky but will try: VMware KB: Reducing the size of the vCenter Server database when the roll…


Redmine update 3.0.1

Redmine Update

Great, there is a new Redmine 3.0.1 published!


Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool

I'll describe a full path on how to install and use NUT.
My implementation is using Raspberry Pi 5…

Install and use Network Ups Tool - an open source Uninterruptible Power Supply software

Test design and implementation.


Very beginning


Test design


Our test system has a pretty simple configuratio…


php upgrade Centos 6


rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm


Миграция с IIS на Apache

Чтобы не забыть и не потерять навыки, которые я приобрел набивая шишки в процессе миграции веб-сайт…


vSphere Datastore usage on disk - alert

Yo! Check this out and try to understand why this happens? Alerts saying there is less than 8Gb fre…


Python - Django Celery - кейс длиною в вечность.

Вкратце: когда добавляешь пачку тасок на Celery worker'ы, случается так, что парочка из них отвалив…


Oh my gosh BACULA config

Recently finished bacula config and run first one successfully! I'm really do not understand now, w…


The conclusion after migration VMvsHyperV

VMvsHyperV_result.PNG So, what can I say before migration. First day looks good, nothing leaks, all services works as ex…
