Raspberry 5 test-to-speech using Piper

I wanted to make my Raspberry tell me about power outages and air alerts near my location.

The setup is pretty simple and described ar the repo:

Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool Notifications and emails

Notifications and email



 Go to file:

sudo vi /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
Add at the EOF:
# Email script for NOTIFYCMD
# Simple
NOTIFYCMD "/etc/nut/notifycmd.sh" …

Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool

I'll describe a full path on how to install and use NUT.
My implementation is using Raspberry Pi 5 and a TP-Link router attached to 800W UPS.
RPi will be …

WSGI mod, Python, Django, Celery and a nice fella virtualenv

Here I'll show how to use Python (3.8.0 in the current example, but legit for latest 3.+ versions, not for os.name == 'NT') and virtualenv to setup WGSI enabled …

vmdk madness!

When reading a lot of guides how better migrate from ESXi to Hyper-V I've saw some madness and then…


Redmine кривые плагины ч2

Всегда, если что-то не работает, нужно делать --trace Тогда можно будет обнаружить много интересног…


VMware vCenter Server

Установка четвертого пакета: VMware vCenter Server Устанавливаем аккаунт, от которого будет за…


LoadError: cannot load such file -- /var/www/config/environment

Итак, снова бок: LoadError: cannot load such file -- /var/www/config/environment Неразрешенная, эта…


Virtual Machine Disks consolidation is needed

Do not forget to delete your old snapshots or you will suffer because of CONSOLIDATION! If you're m…


Python HTMLParser and Vkontakte randomizer

Finally I've finish my first "program" on Python.py_vk The task is to parse people's id from web page wh…


Redmine, Rails, Gems - TOP comands

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"Output" за год Python

Фиг знает, когда там принято делать выводы за год, я сделаю их сегодня. Screenshot_13 Ровно год назад, я поменял…


Python array

Начинаю учить Пайтон, буду набивать шпаргалки.

lst = ['spam', 'drums', 100, 1234]


WSGI mod, Python, Django, Celery and a nice fella virtualenv

Here I'll show how to use Python (3.8.0 in the current example, but legit for latest 3.+ versions…
